Yesterday CSM LDN (Lauren CummingMarcel Lichter and I) hosted our first ‘Lunch & Learn Panel’ of 2021 talking about all things product adoption! Kat Fisher (Senior CSM at Signifyd), Tom Goodman (Director of CS at Goodlord) and Natalie White (CS Lead at Pleo) shared their insights and experiences with over 100 CS professionals and we have summarised key highlights and takeaways from the session below.

Continue the Feedback Loop

Find an operational way to feedback to the product team. Try creating a slack channel, but also make sure it is a two- way street product to Customer Success Manager to the customer to customer success manager to the product. You have to ensure the loop is closed and continues to follow the feedback processes. You cannot have a one-way street when it comes to product feedback and product development as you will be breaking the loop.

Customer Advisory Board

Give your customers a place where their voices can be heard. Also, invite customers from your advisory board to be product beta testers and have them give direct feedback to your product managers. This also a sense of trust between you and your customers and it helps build a sense of partnership rather than a vendor-to-customer relationship. With an advisory board, your customers will feel more engrained in your product and will feel part of the team that is helping to build something great together.

Share “Customer Love”

Create a slack channel to share internally which customers are adopting your product the most and make sure all internal teams are aware of why this customer is awesome and how they are using your product so well. Take it a step further and bring your customer to your company’s all-hands meeting so that they can share their story of how great your product is.

Are there other tactics that you use to ensure that you are improving product adoption at your organization? If there are let me know in the comments below.

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